Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Tuesday, 5th June

Today the lessons were a bomb! Pneumatology was mind-blowing! Lessons on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Leadership gave me new insights...


People active in the Renewal aren't super Christians above the Church. Rather we are transformed by the Holy Spirit to be normal Christians, being docile to the Spirit to be active in our lives,
exemplified by the early Christians in the book of Acts.

Informal sharing were mainly the best time God spoke to me. I was very edified by the struggles that others were encountering back in their homeland.

We are not alone!!! Surely how much more that the Lord will be doing in His time!

Romans 8:28
"For God works for the good
of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. "

Before I left for Rome, I always had a tingling thought inside my head that I was 'too small' for the Institute. But amazingly weird as it may sound, some of the students had the same sentiments. And I remember a fellow student, Fr Xavier from India, sharing over lunch about St Paul.(and boy oh boy, was the food fantastic! take a look for yourself!)Anyway, St Paul was getting big and swell headed and the Lord took everything away from him and then told him now you know my grace is sufficient for you.

Jesus didn't call the learned and the knowledgeable Pharisees to be his disciples, he called the illiterate, the lowly, the uneducated. He called ME!- aha! Praise God.. I'm a goon doo, bonehead, blockhead, nincompoop, nitwit...!! (ok, shan't be carried away here.) The one who thought he didn't fit the bill for the Institute. The one who tried to find everything within my own reasoning that this wasn't for me. And yet He called me... or rather dragged me here to Rome. No credits to me, all to Him. Empty handed I came, but still my cup overflows. I can only marvel at my God... Blessed be His name!

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