Thursday, 16 August 2007


click here --> God tube

"True knowledge and freedom is in Jesus. Make Jesus always part of your hunger for truth and justice and part of your dedication for the well being of your fellow human beings.

Enjoy the priviledges of your youth, the right to be dynamic, creative and spontaneous. The right to be full of hope and joy. the opportunity to explore the marvellous world of science and knowledge, and above all, the chance to give of yourself to others in generous and joyful service.

I pray that the Lord Jesus will reveal Himself to each one of you, that He will give you the strength to go out and profess that you are Christian, that He will show you that He alone can fill your hearts.

Accept his freedom and embrace his truth and be messengers of the certainty that you have been truly liberated through the death and ressurection of the Lord Jesus. This will be a new experience, a powerful experience that will generate through you, a more just society and a better world. God bless you. " -
Pope John Paul II in 1979 addressing students on his first trip to America.

Monday, 16 July 2007

Do not be afraid!

This post is in response to a reflection.

This has been one of repeated lines in our faith, apart from "God loves you." I think humans are innately afraid somehow, to varying degrees, of letting God into our lives. That His radiant light would illuminate the dark rooms of our lives, some of which we rather them remain dark and unseen.

Slowly allowing God into our lives, for allow God be God in our lives, brings to light(no pun intended) cobwebs, dusty rooms, dirty carpets(from many things swept under it), which no one, including ourselves would have noticed when the light of Christ was not shining in and through our lives. It is little wonder that few people, even Christians and Catholics are willing to let God fully into their lives. We serve God on our terms, allocating a few hours a week for ministry/prayer, reportioning the 24 hours that God has given us back to Him.

It is little wonder why there is a lack of awareness of vocation in our increasingly selfish world. Few bother anymore about the gift of vocation, God's unique plan for us in our lives. When discussing a priestly/religious life, everyone talks about the great sacrifice, celibacy, long years of formation. When discussing a life of a consecrated laity, it seems lonely, just because one is not married, but do not realise the distinction between aloneness and loneliness.

Facing our fears, our true selves, who we really are, created in God, may not be such a fun affair sometimes. No intense mountain-top experiences in worship, but perhaps immense shame/guilt at discovering how ugly we may be inside, as compared to how we would like others to see us, or how we would like to see ourselves.

"Do not be afraid!" exhorts the late Pope John Paul II on the first day of his papacy in 1978.

Pope Benedict XVI in His homily on Sunday, April 24th 2005 says:
"If we allow Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No!

Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide.
Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed.
Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation.

And so today, with great strength and conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ!

He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything. When we give ourselves to Him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ and you will find true life. Amen."

"When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night, he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately, he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid. "
- Mk 6 :45-50"Lord, help us to recognise You passing by in the lakes of our lives. When we're tired from struggling to get ahead in our lives, our discernment, our situation and the oars don't seem to move. We trust that You always have sight of us, and we pray for the grace to not be afraid, so that we may see that it is You, working the miracles we don't yet recognise.

Lord, open the doors that need to be opened in our lives, and shut those that need to be closed. Amen"

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Tuesday, 5th June

Today the lessons were a bomb! Pneumatology was mind-blowing! Lessons on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Leadership gave me new insights...


People active in the Renewal aren't super Christians above the Church. Rather we are transformed by the Holy Spirit to be normal Christians, being docile to the Spirit to be active in our lives,
exemplified by the early Christians in the book of Acts.

Informal sharing were mainly the best time God spoke to me. I was very edified by the struggles that others were encountering back in their homeland.

We are not alone!!! Surely how much more that the Lord will be doing in His time!

Romans 8:28
"For God works for the good
of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. "

Before I left for Rome, I always had a tingling thought inside my head that I was 'too small' for the Institute. But amazingly weird as it may sound, some of the students had the same sentiments. And I remember a fellow student, Fr Xavier from India, sharing over lunch about St Paul.(and boy oh boy, was the food fantastic! take a look for yourself!)Anyway, St Paul was getting big and swell headed and the Lord took everything away from him and then told him now you know my grace is sufficient for you.

Jesus didn't call the learned and the knowledgeable Pharisees to be his disciples, he called the illiterate, the lowly, the uneducated. He called ME!- aha! Praise God.. I'm a goon doo, bonehead, blockhead, nincompoop, nitwit...!! (ok, shan't be carried away here.) The one who thought he didn't fit the bill for the Institute. The one who tried to find everything within my own reasoning that this wasn't for me. And yet He called me... or rather dragged me here to Rome. No credits to me, all to Him. Empty handed I came, but still my cup overflows. I can only marvel at my God... Blessed be His name!

We're back! Alleluia!

Hi everyone!!

Sorry that we took so long to update the blog. But just like the human blood circulatory system, blood rich in oxygen is pumped out of the heart to the rest of the body to reach the respiring tissues. So now, we are back to offload the oxygen as and when the Spirit leads! =P (sorry ah, I'm a biology student. Can't help it.)

And I must say it feels good to be back with my community in the tiny island of Singapore! Praise God for them! Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Stay tuned to the following posts as we'll be blogging our journals that we penned down during our stay in Rome and Europe.

To God be the Glory!

Friday, 1 June 2007


Ok people, i's the much-awaited, trip proper..haha..

This is us, after catching our transit flight from KL to Rome. We had our outbound flight from SG delayed by almost an hour, so we were worried we would miss the flight from KL. (not realising that things like these happen almost everyday everywhere in the world).

Nonetheless, it was amazing for us, to see an airport staff waiting for us, called us by name, and escorted us all the way(quite a long way) to the plane. After about 10 mins of brisk walking, we walked into the plane, all the way to the back and found our seats.

These are more pictures of us reaching Fiumicino airport in Rome, and getting a TerraVision bus! It was cheaper than a train ride, and it was a HUGE bus, for only the two of us. Praise the Lord!

Did You Know? #1

That if you eat/drink on a table, it costs almost double for cover charge! 2 cappucinos on the bar counter pls!

The baptistery, Duomo and fresco on top of main door of Duomo.

When we we entered the Baptistery, our eyes couldn't help but gaze upward towards the fresco ceilings, depicting the entire salvation history on one level, the story of Genesis on another, and the Big picture of Jesus is that of the Last judgement.

Did you know #2
The Duomo which we took a couple of hours to appreciate took 170 years to build from 1296 to early 15th century. " a structure so immense, rising above the skies, above enough to cover with its shadows, all the peoples of Tuscany." - Leon Battista Alberti

The idea was to build an enormous church, far bigger than the cathedrals of the rival Tuscan cities, Pisa and Siena.

And after the touristy business, the perfect way to end Day 1. The Holy Mass. Thank you Lord.

Pre-Trip Preparations

To reach this point at the airport, it has been an amazing ride! Miracles upon miracles, the Lord never fails to surprise us, with sponsorships coming in at the last hour. (The last 4 days in a month of sourcing and praying)

We decided to fly up 5 days early to Rome, so as to be able to see the surrounding cities, take a nice break and also to prepare ourselves spritually before the conference. So we went on with planning the accomodation, book the flight, busy ourselves with the rest of the administrative details and applications.

According to, a coincidence is "
a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance"

Of course, good Catholics as we are, we don't believe anything happens by chance ya? *grin

Heavenly "Coincidence" #1.

Only on the weekend before we flew up, did we realise that we were going to fly up one day after Pentecost! Being sent forth one day after Pentecost, and in a pair! How biblical!

Heavenly "Coincidence" #2
Fr Luke being posted to our parish, from having studied and stayed in Rome, giving us priceless advice for the trip, and also praying and helping us source for benefactors. He told us, "Pray hard, and money will rain down like Pentecostal Fire!" Amen amen. =)

Heavenly "Coincidence" #3
There were many more pre-trip preparation coincidences, but if they were all written down one by one , i suppose that the whole blog could not hold the words that will be typed.(neither will my fingers take it)
But these are written so that you may believe.

To God be the glory!

Hello world!

Hi everyone!

This blog is a little spiritual journal to testify to the abounding greatness and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to share our lives, to show you how we've witnessed the workings of God to be real in our lives, and to be witnesses to the ends of the Earth! (wherever you're reading this from!)

Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth"

Psalm 108

My heart is ready, O God;
I will sing, sing your praise
Awake, my soul;
awake lyre and harp.
I will awake the dawn

I will thank you Lord, among the peoples,
among the nations i will praise you,
for your love reaches to the heavens
and your truth to the skies.
O God, arise above the heavens;
may your glory shine on earth!